Nevada Republican Party 2024 Platform
We the people of the Nevada Republican Party, affirm that this Nation and this State were founded upon the principle that all people are created equal; that the powers of government as outlined in the Constitution exist to protect the people’s God-given right to be free and to choose their own pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness; without regard to race, gender, religion, country of origin, or sexual orientation. This Platform is the result of a deliberative body that discussed, debated, and voted on the content herein, and was ultimately adopted by the full convention. We invite those who agree with the principles stated herein to join with our efforts so that this Republic will return to the principle that we are a “government of the people, by the people, and for the people.”
Budget, Economy, and Taxation
We support balanced budgets developed with zero-based budget processes at all levels of government.
We support a free market economy.
We support lower taxes and fees and a reduction in the scope of government at all levels.
We support a simple, fair tax code.
We support the repeal of the Commerce Tax.
We support the Nevada constitutional prohibition on personal and corporate income tax.
We support the Constitution of the United States, which includes the Bill of Rights, in its original intent, as ratified by Congress and the States.
We charge all officials that take an oath to the Constitution under Article VI “to support this Constitution” must honor their oath as the method of enforcing it. We oppose the Nevada Legislature applying for an Article V convention.
We support Constitutional justification for all Federal and State legislation. We believe legislation be limited to a single subject. All executive orders, administrative directives, and other rules shall emanate from a specific enumerated power in the Constitution.
We support the elimination of the unconstitutional US Department of Education.
We support maintaining an elected, rather than appointed, Board of Regents as specified by the Nevada Constitution.
We support local control of a traditional, classical liberal curricula and oppose the testing, data collection, data mining, psychological profiling and tracking that follow students for life.
We assert that education is a state and local responsibility, and parents have the right to choose the best education for their children, with the public funding following the child.
We support an education system which prepares students for a successful life and meets the needs of Nevada’s economy.
We support the prohibition of biological boys and men from bathrooms, locker rooms, and spaces or sports that are designated as girls or women’s spaces or sports in all schools in the United States.
We oppose the implementation of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in school policy and curriculum in all schools K-12 in all colleges and universities in the United States.
We support the Electoral College and oppose the unconstitutional national popular vote initiatives.
We support the current, partisan primary election system, and oppose any alternative.
We support a per voter verified paper audit trail for all electronic voting machines that must be used in the event of a recount or audit.
We advocate proof of U.S. citizenship and residency at the time of voter registration and requiring government issued photo ID at the time of voting.
We oppose automatic voter registration through any governmental agency.
We oppose same day voter registration.
We support the aggressive free market development and exploitation of all domestic energy resources.
English as Our Official Language
We support legislation affirming English as the official language for conducting business at all levels of government.
We assert people must be free to choose healthcare that best suits their needs and beliefs according to a free market model.
We oppose medical treatment such as puberty blockers, cross sex hormones and surgeries that will sterilize or adversely affect the health and fertility of minor children.
We support the rights of parents as the medical decision-makers for their minor children.
We support legal immigration from all nations, creeds, and races who assimilate and embrace the Constitution of the United States.
We support securing United States borders and effective enforcement of immigration laws including deportation.
We oppose sanctuary cities, counties, states, and birthright citizenship for children born of illegal aliens.
Limited Government
We assert that the powers of government must be limited to those enumerated in the United States Constitution and respective state constitutions. We support limited government, lower taxes, less regulation, and more individual responsibility.
We assert that all public servants must live by the same laws as the public.
We support removing local, state, and federal governments from the marriage covenant.
Military / National Defense
We support peace through strength to sustain our national defense and protect our citizens abroad.
We support a strong Veterans Administration to ensure veterans and their families receive the care, benefits and support earned as promised.
Nevada Natural Resource Use and Management
We support the relinquishing of federal control of public lands to the state. We support multiple use of public lands.
We oppose the taking of Nevada lands for wilderness areas, national monuments, wildlife refuges or wilderness study areas in Nevada without a vote of the people in the affected counties.
We support mineral exploration and extraction, agricultural, ranching, and other industries necessary for economic well-being of Nevada and the United States to remain free and independent. We support streamlining the environmental permitting process.
We affirm that water is an essential resource which must be conserved and used wisely in our arid state. We support Nevada water law as currently codified with the “first in time, first in right” principle where all users are treated fairly under the law.
Recognition of Israel
We support Israel as a sovereign state and recognize her right to defend herself. We believe the United States should provide such assistance as is Constitutional and in our interest.
Sanctity of Life
We affirm the sanctity of life from conception to natural death and the inherent dignity of each human being.
We oppose government funding of abortion and organizations that advocate for or provide abortions. We encourage the use of alternatives to abortion.
We reject any efforts to surrender United States sovereignty either through constitutional adoption of a treaty or usurpation of the Constitution and assert that all governmental entities must defend this concept.
We unequivocally declare that the United States is a sovereign nation not subject to any international organization, court, or law.