Resolution 2016-G101
Nevada Republican Party Supports Second Amendment
by Urging a NO Vote on Ballot Question #1
Whereas, The Nevada Republican Convention affirms the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms is an individual right under the United States Constitution as upheld by the United States Supreme Court in District of Columbia v. Heller and McDonald v. Chicago and the Nevada Constitution;
Whereas, The Bylaws of the Nevada Republican Party detail an enumerated duty to advocate for and coordinate with the citizens of Nevada to “preserve and protect the dignity, rights, freedom and liberty of the individual citizen”; and
Whereas, Nevada’s 2016 General Election ballot “Question Number 1” titled, “The Background Check Initiative” will serve to criminalize common legal firearms transfers with no deterrent of criminal activity; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Nevada Republican Convention finds and declares “The Background Check Initiative” to be a dishonest, deceptive, and unacceptable infringement on the individual right to keep and bear arms;
Resolved, That with the strongest possible conviction, the Nevada Republican Convention opposes “The Background Check Initiative,” and urges all Nevadans to advocate passionately for its defeat; and
Resolved, That the Nevada Republican Convention directs the Secretary to distribute this resolution to Republican members of the Legislature, appropriate media, and ensure it is posted on the state party website and all known firearms advocacy groups operating in Nevada.