Resolutions approved by Nevada Republican Central Committee and/or the Nevada Republican Party Executive Committee:
Resolutions passed at the 2022 State Convention
Resolutions passed at the 2021 State Meeting
Resolutions passed at the 2020 State Convention
Resolutions passed at the 2018 State Convention
Resolutions passed at the 2016 State Convention:
The Nevada Republican Party Honors Legislators Loyal to the Platform in the 2015 Legislative Session – May 2016 C101/C102
Nevada Republican Party Supports Second Amendment by Urging a NO Vote on Ballot Question #1– May 2016 G101 of G101 through 105
Resolution Supporting Transparency of Federal Law Enforcement Actions in Nevada– May 2016 G102 of G101 through 105
Resolution Supporting Nevada State Control and Preservation of Lands Administered by the Federal Government – May 2016 G103 0f G101 through 105
Resolution in Support of Repealing The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) – May 2016 G104 of G101 through 105
Protecting The Integrity of The Voting Process – May 2016 G105 of G101 through 105
Resolution to protect the United States Constitution
Resolutions passed at the 2014 State Convention:
Supporting the Leadership of the Nevada Assembly Caucus – Affirming the Nevada GOP’s support of the leadership elected by the caucus members, and expressing opposition to any members cooperating with the opposition party against the duly elected leadership. (December 2014 #2014-G110)
Resolutions from the 2014 Nevada GOP State Convention – The complete text of the nine resolutions passed at the 2014 State Convention on April 12, 2014 (April 2014 #2014-G101 through G109)
Opposition to Common Core Standards – Concurring with the RNC resolution opposing Common Core Standards passed in 2013. (Feb 2014 #2014-01)
Resolutions passed at 2013 State Meetings:
Opposing SJR15 in the 2013 Legislature– Senate Joint Resolution 15 (SJR15) has been introduced into the Nevada Legislature to change the Nevada Constitution in regards to taxes specific to the mining industry, in order to facilitate tax increases on this industry, ostensibly for education. (April 2013 – #2013-01)
Armed Citizens Resolution – A general resolution to take an express political position on the foundational, natural and constitutionally protected right of the people to keep and bear arms, uninfringed and unencumbered by government; and providing for other matters properly related thereto. (April 2013 – #2013-02)
Constitutional Republic Form of Government – A general resolution to take an express political position on the matter of the form of government guaranteed to every citizen in Nevada and the United States; and providing for other matters properly related thereto. (April 2013 – #2013-03)
Participatory Democracy– A general resolution to take an express political position on the matter of Nevada public policy concerning the award known as the “Jean Ford Democracy Award” with its acknowledgement of a form of government in conflict with the constitution of the United States; and providing for other matters properly related thereto. (April 2013 – #2013-04)
Statement of Principles – An Executive Committee statement highlighting three of the key issues addressed in the Nevada GOP platform, including Free Enterprise, State Responsibilities/Local Control and Immigration. (Jan 2013)
Reestablish Republican Unity and Principles – Republican Party organizations at all levels consist of numerous Americans giving generously of their valuable time to promote and protect The Constitution of the United States, the Republican Party Platform, and the Republican National Committee (RNC) Rules; we observe that all Republican Party members have an fundamental right to be treated with integrity. (Nov 2012 – #2012-1)
Resolutions passed at 2012 State Convention:
Agenda 21 – A general resolution to take an express political position on matter of public policy condemning the United Nations Conference on Environmental and Development Comprehensive Plan known as Agenda 21. (Nov 2012 #2012-02)