Resolution 2016-G103
Resolution Supporting Nevada State Control and Preservation of Lands Administered by the Federal Government
Whereas, The Nevada Republican Convention sees it as a moral imperative to preserve our valuable lands administered by the federal government for the enjoyment of present and future generations;
Whereas, The Nevada Republican Convention considers regaining control of our lands administered by the federal government paramount to the preservation of a constitutional republic anchored in the principle of state sovereignty; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Nevada Republican Convention encourages our Governor and Legislature to investigate taking possession of federally-controlled lands administered by the federal government in Nevada and aggressively investigate pursuing all legal remedies;
Resolved, That the Nevada Republican Convention directs the Secretary to distribute this resolution to Republican members of the Legislature, appropriate media, and ensure it is posted on the state party website; and
Resolved, that federally administered public lands (N.P.S., B.L.M., U.S.F.S) be administered by the state for public use by the general public, including sport and recreation.