Nevada Republican Convention Resolution G-2020-01
Supporting Parental Control of Decisions for Medical Procedures
Whereas, The overreaching hand of the State is catastrophically ineffective, reactionary, and dangerous to all aspects of our individual liberty including our bodies; and
Whereas, We The People have recently been made starkly aware of the pervasive and invasive replacement of parents with the State, dilution of personal responsibility, and the deterring of the assumption of adulthood, has had and continues to have, a devastating impact of Liberty, personal responsibility, and the historically-proven success of American individualism; and
Whereas, Numerous Supreme Court decisions uphold the right of parents to direct the upbringing, education, and spiritual health of their children, yet wrongly refuse to offer the same support of parental healthcare management of minor children; and
Whereas, Religious exemptions to vaccinations have been a commonly-accepted practice respectful of the Free Exercise Clause of the US Constitution, properly utilized by a relatively small number of parents for their children, for decades in the United States, having no measurable impact on the majority’s desire to establish a “herd immunity,” only recently suffering aggression by states and corporate entities to void these religious exemptions based on no justified medical reasoning; and
Whereas, Our society recognizes a well-established right to refuse medical care and current medical industry practices further recognize a right to be fully informed about any offered treatment, absent coercion or harassment in the gathering of such information or decisions regarding their bodies; and
Whereas, Liberty manifests firstly in the rights of the individual as their own agent, an essential decision of such being a personal and final decision what enters into, or any actions are taken on their body; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, The Nevada Republican Convention declares parents have a Natural Law right to direct health decisions for themselves and their children and denying parental rights directly interferes with deeply held, profound and constitutionally protected religious freedoms, further substituting the State for the Parent, undermining a core fabric of our society; and
Resolved, The Nevada Republican Convention further declares Liberty was granted to every American by our Creator and we assert in the strongest terms that personal and religious Liberty are protected by the Constitution and such Liberty protects our fundamental right to decide all health matters for our minor children and are fundamental rights protected by the Ninth Amendment to the US Constitution, and religious freedom codified in the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the US Constitution; and
Resolved, The Nevada Republican Convention demands members of the Nevada Legislature honor their oath of office under Article VI to enforce the United States Constitution by preserving religious and other prudent mandatory vaccine exemptions in law for individuals including parents on behalf of minor children; and
Resolved, The Nevada Republican Convention requests the Secretary ensure a copy of this resolution is delivered to each Nevada legislator and constitutional officer and distributed to proper media outlets as directed by the Chairman of The Nevada Republican Convention.