Nevada Republican Convention Resolution G-2022-01
Resolution Demanding Parental Civil Rights Amendment to Nevada
Whereas, Numerous governmental entities are increasing their advocacy to insert
themselves into the sacred relationship between parents, guardians and their
children, inflicting catastrophic damage on the children and our rich American
culture; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, Nevada Republican Convention declares that natural parents or legal
guardians shall exercise all decisions pertaining to their minor children to include,
but not limited to: healthcare, behavioral, educational, and religious issues; and
Resolved, Nevada Legislators shall work to codify such relationship as
fundamental, non-negotiable civil rights; and
Resolved, The Nevada Republican Convention requests the Secretary ensure a copy
of this resolution is delivered to each Republican legislator and constitutional
officer and distributed to proper media outlets per the Chairman of the Nevada
Republican Party.
Nevada Republican Convention Resolution G-2022-02
Declaration of Republican Party Platform Supremacy
Whereas, The Nevada Republican Party is the sovereign authority for the
Republican Party in Nevada, in accordance with Nevada Law, and that the Nevada
Republican Party Platform is created by The People through a comprehensive and
deliberative process at a convention, thereby being the most inclusive and
authoritative declaration of The People in defining their beliefs; and
Whereas, Candidates filing to run for partisan office must complete Nevada
Secretary of State Form EL101, “Declaration of Candidacy-Major Political Party –
Partisan Office” and swear under oath in the presence of a qualified notary, and
such oath reads in part, “that I am registered as a member of the [Republican] Party;
… that I generally believe in and intend to support the concepts found in the
principles and policies of that political party in the coming election; that if
nominated as a candidate of the Party at the ensuing election, I will accept that
nomination and not withdraw; that I will not knowingly violate any election law or
any law defining and prohibiting corrupt and fraudulent practices in campaigns and
elections in this State”; and
Whereas, The record is clear that faithfully adhering to Republican principles
defined by The Platform is a recipe for electoral success, and American prosperity,
while diluting our values to present a fraudulent image of a “safe” party devoid of
sincere conviction has proven an impediment to electoral victories; and
Whereas, A dangerous precedent of elected Republicans abdicating responsibility
by favoring consultants that lack the moral authority to guide the Republican Party
has taken hold and must be broken to end the destructive method and undue
influence which has damaged the Republican Party, The State of Nevada, and the
United States of America; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That We The People of the 2022 Nevada Republican Convention declare
that choosing to run for election as a Republican shall be clearly understood as
creating an obligation to maintain fidelity to the principles prescribed by the
Republican Party in our Platform, and that to do otherwise shall be deemed a
violation of the implicit moral covenant created between elected officials and The
People; and
Resolved, That elected Republican Party officials are servants of The People,
expected to defend our distinctive American way of life from endless attacks; and
Resolved, The Nevada Republican Convention requests the Secretary ensure a copy
of this resolution is delivered to each Republican legislator and constitutional
officer and distributed to proper media outlets per the Chairman of the Nevada
Republican Party.
Nevada Republican Convention Resolution G-2022-03
Resolution Demanding a Medical Bill of Rights
Whereas, Our society recognizes a well-established right to refuse medical care
and current medical industry practices further recognize a right to be fully informed
about any offered treatment, absent coercion, harassment, or unconstitutional
executive orders, or declarations in the gathering of such information or decisions
regarding their bodies; and
Whereas, During the COVID pandemic, some family members were cruelly locked
out from visiting critically ill or dying loved ones, as well as enduring their loved
ones being denied lifesaving treatments, which caused unnecessary injuries or
deaths, leaving family and friends to deal with extreme, lasting emotional damage
for all involved, to include healthcare staff, enabled by an ambivalent Legislature
and a tyrannical Governor determined to abuse unconstitutional emergency powers;
Whereas, The government shouldn’t be in the business of forcing Americans to
choose between unconstitutional medical procedures or employment to feed their
families, sending their children to school, or patronizing a business.
Whereas, Liberty manifests firstly in the rights of the individual as their own agent,
an essential decision of such being is a personal and final decision as to what enters
into, or any actions that are taken upon, their body; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, The Nevada Republican Convention demands Nevada Legislature
propose an amendment to the Nevada Constitution under their authority in Article
16, Section 1, Paragraph 1, codifying a medical bill of rights which shall include,
but not be limited to:
–The right to be treated fairly and respectfully, in a safe, considerate and respectful
environment, and in a manner consistent with your religious or secular beliefs.
–The right to accurate and easily-understood information about your diagnosis,
treatment, and prognosis and to know your treatment options and take part in
decisions about your care.
–The right to be visited by your closest family and friends while undergoing
treatment and/or evaluation as inpatient or outpatient to the maximum extent
possible even if such requires exceptional measures to maximize opportunities for
mental and physical patient healing and the mental wellbeing of all involved.
–The right to be free from any forced medical procedures to include vaccinations,
even such declared mandatory by health officials or courts, and to be free from
harassment or coercion regarding the same.
–The right to be free from any discrimination for any exercising of these civil
–The right to have guardians, family members, or others speak for you if you
–The right to read and copy your medical records and have your records made
available only to person(s), offices you designate.
–The right to talk privately with health care providers.
–The right to remove yourself from care of a facility to partake of alternative care or
no care, without being required to justify such to, or get approval from any hospital
or governmental officials or courts.
–The right to ask and be informed of any business relationships, to include any
financial incentives, between the hospital and educational institutions,
pharmaceutical companies, governmental entities, other healthcare providers, or
payers that may influence your care and treatment; and
Resolved, The Nevada Republican Convention requests Nevada Legislature pass a
law enacting the same medical rights as a matter of law listed in the resolved clause
immediately above, to be made effective as soon as possible, awaiting ratification
of a constitutional right codifying a medical bill of rights to include rights listed in
the resolved clause immediately above; and
Resolved, The Nevada Republican Convention requests the Secretary ensure a copy
of this resolution is delivered to each Nevada legislator and constitutional officer
and distributed to proper media outlets as directed by the Chairman of The Nevada
Republican Convention.
Nevada Republican Convention Resolution G-2022-04
Ensuring Election Integrity
Whereas, President Abraham Lincoln once said, “The ballot is stronger than the
bullet,” the people’s trust in the integrity of elections is a fundamental civil right
ensuring the peaceful existence of our American Republic in perpetuity; we declare
in the strongest possible language that we have a moral obligation to preserve
Liberty for future generations and that fundamental Liberty begins at the ballot box;
Whereas, Mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting, lack of voter identification, negligent
maintenance of voter rolls, blocking voter observers, unreliable machine and
signature verification, and failure to verify citizenship, and the failure to properly
investigate these issues have caused justified mistrust in elections by Nevadans; and
Whereas, Election authorities in Nevada failed to perform comprehensive
investigations of election integrity complaints and credible, independent agencies
and media proved that machines, software and processes currently in use, are
inadequate in preventing fraudulent votes, now therefore let it be
Resolved, The Nevada Republican Convention declares the integrity of elections is
a fundamental civil right that must be secured with audit trails preserved; and
Resolved, The Nevada Republican Convention demands that Nevada legislators
take every possible action to ensure tabulation of votes shall not occur prior to
election day.
Resolved, The Nevada Republican Convention demands that Nevada legislators
take every possible action to rescind the profligate use of universal mail-in ballots,
ballot harvesting, all automatic voter registration, and remove automated signature
verification machines from use, and legislate that envelopes of all mailed ballots
must be retained with the ballot to facilitate audits; and
Resolved, The Nevada Republican Convention demands that Nevada legislators
take every possible action to legislate voting by fraud-resistant, paper ballots as the
primary voting method, and mandate all state voter registration lists be regularly
cleaned using all appropriate methods and databases; and
Resolved, The Nevada Republican Convention demands that Nevada legislators
take every possible action to ensure voter identification is required to vote in
Nevada via legislation and amending the Nevada Constitution; and
Resolved, The Nevada Republican Convention demands that Nevada legislators
take every possible action to establish an independent election integrity agency
outside the Secretary of State’s office, to perform ongoing critical activities to
detect and deter election fraud as well as inspecting critical activities during
elections, and enforcement of existing elections laws; they shall be an independent
agency reporting to the Legislature, but with full police powers to investigate and/or
inspect any and all functions, materials, and personnel participating in election
processes and require a quarterly public report filed on cases referred for
prosecution; and
Resolved, The Nevada Republican Convention requests the Secretary ensure a copy
of this resolution is delivered to each Nevada legislator and constitutional officer
and distributed to proper media outlets as directed by the Chairman of The Nevada
Republican Convention.
Nevada Republican Convention Resolution G-2022-05
Supporting Constitutional Principles of Equal Education in Nevada Schools
Whereas, America was founded on true and eternal principles as stated in the
Declaration of Independence and protected by the United States Constitution:
“…that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with
certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of
Happiness,” as demonstrated by the hundreds of thousands of people who died to
protect these principles; and
Whereas, “Critical Race Theory” (CRT), which invokes diversity, equity,
inclusion, social emotional learning, and disproportionately affected persons, while
silencing opposing views, disparaging important American ideals, disavowing our
founding principles and ignoring elements of our national progress, such as the
abolition of slavery and enactment of civil rights laws that were made to preserve
liberty for all Americans, and instead CRT establishes the false premise that
America has been, and always will be, a systemically racist nation; and
Whereas, Nevada schools are enacting policies without parental involvement and
consent and allowing classroom instruction and materials, staff training, and
professional development that is unequal, illegal, unsafe, and unfair as it
incorporates progressive ideology steeped in racism, discrimination, and
progressive values; and
Whereas, Discrimination based on race, sex, disability, and ethnicity; gender;
gender identity/expression; sexual orientation; ability/disability status; religion and
spirituality; age; education; socio-economic status; language/communication
modality; individual experiential backgrounds; lifestyle (interests, hobbies,
activities, affiliations); family dynamics; and any other protected class in
conformance with federal, state, and local laws has no place in American society;
Whereas, Nevadans have a right to instruct their legislators and school board
representatives under Article I (Declaration of Rights), Section 10 (Right to
assemble and to petition) of the Nevada Constitution, regarding policies ensuring an
equal, legal, safe, and fair education for all students; and
Whereas, The Nevada Legislature, school boards, school employees and staff all
have an obligation to students, parents, and the community which rely on it to
ensure students are educated absent indoctrination in any political beliefs; now,
therefore, be it
Whereas, CRT is diametrically opposed to American values and republican
principles and fails to acknowledge Martin Luther King Jr’s words to judge, “Not
by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character;”
Resolved, That the Nevada Republican Convention demands the Nevada
Legislature adopt legislation affirming equal educational opportunities for all
students absent instruction which promotes progressive ideologies, racism,
discrimination, or progressive values; and
Resolved, The Nevada Republican Convention requests the Secretary ensure a copy
of this resolution is delivered to every elected Republican and candidates in Nevada
and distributed to proper media outlets as directed by the Chairman of The Nevada
Republican Convention.
Nevada Republican Convention Resolution S-2022-01
Resolution to Honor Executive Director Alida Benson
Whereas, Alida Benson passionately and professionally performs her duties as
Political Director and Executive Director for the Nevada Republican Party; and
Whereas, Miss Benson was instrumental in ensuring our Nevada Republican Party
had a candidate in every electoral race in 2022, and she created, promoted, and
taught the Battleborn Candidate College, ensuring informed and dedicated
candidates ready to honor our US and Nevada Constitutions; and
Whereas, Miss Benson led tremendous efforts to apply data to the 2020 postelection analysis, leading the efforts to identify potential fraud to report suspected
violations to authorities and create powerful lessons for our Republicans to apply in
2022 to greatly increase election integrity; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, The Nevada Republican Convention declares Executive Director Alida
Benson exemplifies the highest standards of integrity, passion, and performance in
the performance of her job to the significant benefit of all Nevada Republicans; and
Resolved, The Nevada Republican Convention offers our utmost, unconditional,
full-throated appreciation and thanks for the job performance of our Executive
Director Miss Benson; and
Resolved, The Nevada Republican Convention requests the Secretary ensure a copy
of this resolution is delivered to proper media outlets, and all county Republican
parties, as directed by the Chairman of The Nevada Republican Convention.
Nevada Republican Convention Resolution S-2022-02
Resolution to Honor Credentials Chair Eileen Rice
Whereas, Eileen Rice has chaired the Nevada Republican Convention Credentials
Committee for every convention and Nevada Republican Central Committee
meeting since 2010; and
Whereas, She and her Committee have provided expert, accurate, timely
information at every convention and meeting, often under extreme pressure; and
Whereas, Her team is the first to rise and begin the work of the day at every
convention and meeting; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, The Nevada Republican Convention declares our admiration, respect, and
appreciation for her herculean efforts that have facilitated successful conventions
and meetings, effectively representing the interests of all Nevada Republicans; and
Resolved, The Nevada Republican Convention asks that all Republicans join in
offering our sincere appreciation and encourage her to continue to perform the
service; and
Resolved, The Nevada Republican Convention requests the Secretary ensure a copy
of this resolution is delivered to Mrs. Rice and every Nevada Republican county
committee and distributed to proper media outlets as directed by the Chairman of
The Nevada Republican Convention.
Nevada Republican Convention Resolution S-2022-03
Resolution to Honor Nominations Committee
Whereas, The Nevada Republican Convention Candidate Endorsement Committee
completed interviews on 109 candidates for elected office in the 2022 election
cycle, consisting of hundreds of hours of interviews, research, discussion, and
grading; and
Whereas, The following Republicans were members of the Candidate Endorsement
Committee: Joe Burdzinski, Chairman, Jim DeGraffenreid, Patrick Casale,
Kimberly Fergus, Jo McDonald, Tom Dickman, Matthew Hawn, Mike Labit,
Bridgett Perez, Rob Tyree, Theresa DeGraffenreid, Marianne Rombola; and
Whereas, Each candidate was asked a comprehensive list of questions derived from
the Nevada Republican Party Platform and thoroughly evaluated on electability;
Whereas, It is an implicit responsibility of Republican Party members to protect the
integrity of our brand as defined in our Platform and these dedicated, eager
volunteers stepped up with integrity to complete a significant amount of work that
will inform the delegates to the Nevada Republican Convention in a way that will
allow them to more effectively recommend nominees for specific races; now,
therefore, be it
Resolved, The Nevada Republican Convention declares our respect, admiration, and
appreciation for the exceptional dedication to their duties that these Republican
volunteers displayed including the tremendous amount of time they dedicated to
this important task; and
Resolved, The Nevada Republican Convention further acknowledges that
supporting our Constitutions of the United States and Nevada and our Republican
Platform relies on recruiting, training, selecting, electing and promoting patriots
dedicated to our principles, and these nomination committee volunteers helped
ensure the effectiveness of that process; and
Resolved, The Nevada Republican Convention requests the Secretary ensure a copy
of this resolution is delivered to proper media outlets as directed by the Chairman of
The Nevada Republican Convention.
Nevada Republican Convention Resolution S-2022-04
Resolution to Honor Convention Chairman, Dr. Robert Morin
Whereas, Doctor Robert Morin served faithfully as Convention Chairman of the
Nevada Republican Convention for the 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, and 2020
conventions, expertly performing his duties; and
Whereas, Dr. Morin was a beloved Political Science and Law professor that
passionately shared his love for American freedom, our Constitution, regularly
demonstrated his unflinching integrity for all by the way he lived his life; and
Whereas, In 2021 Doctor Morin passed away, leaving an incredible legacy of
patriotism and passion for public service, as well as a desire within his students and
fellow Republicans to follow his wonderful example; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, The Nevada Republican Convention declares Convention Chairman,
Doctor Robert Morin exemplified the utmost standards of integrity, passion in the
performance of his chairman duties to the significant benefit of all Nevada
Republicans, and ultimately, all Nevadans; and
Resolved, The Nevada Republican Convention offers our utmost, unconditional,
admiration and thanks for the performance of our Convention Chairman, Doctor
Robert Morin, and we offer our sincere condolences to his widow, Colleen Morin,
who continues to serve the Party her husband loved and served so well; and
Resolved, The Nevada Republican Convention requests the Secretary ensure a copy
of this resolution is delivered to proper media outlets, and all county Republican
parties, as directed by the Chairman of The Nevada Republican Convention.