Chapter 1 adopted 28 March 2015
Chapter 2 adopted 14 August 2015
Chapter 3 adopted 14 August 2015
Chapter 52 adopted 8 February 2015
Chapter 50 adopted 6 April 2016
Chapter 51 adopted 6 April 2016
Chapter 52 adopted 4 May 2016
Chapter 53 adopted 18 March 2017
Chapter 53 repealed 26 October 2018
Chapter 4 adopted 26 October 2018
Chapter 5 adopted 7 September 2019
Section 13.0 of Chapter Two adopted 7 September 2019
Section 1.0 of Chapter Three amended 7 September 2019
Subsection 5.3, Paragraph (b) of Chapter Three amended 7 September 2019
Subsection 1.9, Paragraph (e) of Chapter Fifty-One added 7
September 2019 New Chapter 53 adopted 7 September 2019
Subsection 2.2 and 3.6 added to Chapter 51, and existing Subsections 2.2
through 2.5 renumbered to 2.3 through 2.6, and existing
Subsections 3.6 through 3.8 renumbered to 3.7 through 3.9 1 June 2020
Subsections 1.10, 1.11, 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 2.5, 3.2, 4.1, 5.1, 5.5. 5.7 and 5.8 of
Chapter 51 amended 1 June 2020
Amend Chapter 2, Subsections 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3, and to add Subsection 1.6
23 September 2023
Amend Chapter 2, Subsections 2.1 and 2.3 23 September 2023
Amend Chapter 2, Subsections 4.2 and 4.3 23 September 2023
Add Chapter 3, Subsection 2.8 23 September 2023
Amend Chapter 2, Subsection 6.1 23 September 2023
Amend Chapter 2, Subsection 7 23 September 2023
Amend Chapter 2, Subsection 12.1 23 September 2023
§ 1.0 Establishment of the Standing Rules.
The Standing Rules of the Nevada Republican Central Committee (NRCC) are hereby established. They are adopted under authority of § 2 of the General Rules of Order of the NRCC.
§ 2.0 Definition of the General Rules of Order.
The terms “General Rules of Order” or “General Rules” as used and referenced in the Standing Rules are defined pursuant to Article 14 of the NRCC Bylaws as the latest revision which has been in publication for at least two years of ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER NEWLY REVISED. The General Rules are distinct and separate from the Standing Rules.
§ 3.0 Adoption and Amendment of Standing Rules.
Pursuant to the General Rules, Standing Rules may be adopted, amended or repealed by a simple majority vote of the NRCC. Notice of new proposed rules must be given in accordance with the NRCC Bylaws.
§ 4.0 Mechanics of Chapters.
Chapters are documents that are the core component of the Standing Rules. Each Chapter must be assigned its own Chapter Number and Chapter Title. The mechanics of how each individual Chapter is organized is built around the division of each Chapter:
Subsection 4.1 – Chapters are divided into Sections.
Subsection 4.2 – Sections are divided into Subsections.
Subsection 4.3 – Subsections are divided into Paragraphs.
Subsection 4.4 – Paragraphs are divided into Sub-paragraphs.
§ 5.0 Numbering system of the Chapters.
Chapters are divided into sections using the following syntax: § A.AA (*) (**) where the diacritic symbol § indicates this is a reference to a section number, A represents any single numeric character 1 through 999, AA represents any single numeric character 1 through 99, * represents any lower case alphabetical character a through z and ** represents any Roman numeral expressed with lower case alphabetical characters. A typical reference under the system used in a Chapter would be “§ 5.6 (d) (iv)” where;
Subsection 5.1 – The number (5) preceding the period indicates that the material is in Section five of the Chapter, and;
Subsection 5.2 – The number (6) following the period indicates that the material is in Subsection six of Section five, and;
Subsection 5.3 – The letter (d) indicates that the material is in Paragraph d of Subsection six, and;
Subsection 5.4 – The Roman numeral (iv) indicates that the material is in Sub-paragraph four of Paragraph d.
Subsection 5.5 – This reference is read aloud as “Section five point six, paragraph d four”.
§ 1.0 Procedure to conduct Presidential Preference Poll.
Subsection 1.1
a) Each county central committee shall provide for a secret ballot for the Presidential Preference Poll.
b) Each county central committee shall follow identification verification procedures, including the requirement for each person to show proof of identification and US and Nevada citizenship, satisfied by presenting a government issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license, passport, or military ID. Driver Authorization Cards are not an acceptable form of ID. Each county chair will receive training on how to verify identity not later than November 30, in the year prior to the PPP.
c) Only individuals who have filed with the NRP Secretary by sending a notice by e- mail to [email protected] as a Republican candidate for President of the United States shall appear on the ballots. Any such person so filing must meet all the legal requirements to be a Republican candidate for President and must pay a filing fee, at the time of filing, to the Nevada Republican Party in an amount to be determined by the NRP Executive Committee, payable via wire or check. No candidate shall appear on the ballot without proof of completed payment. The deadline for filing shall be determined by the NVGOP Executive Committee. As the NVGOP has a vested interest in ensuring the integrity of the nomination process, any candidate who participates in any non-binding primary election in the state of Nevada that occurs outside the direct oversight of the NVGOP will be declared ineligible to participate in the Presidential Preference Poll and shall be ineligible to receive any delegates.
d) The ballots shall be opened, tallied, and announced at the Precinct Meeting in full view of all participating electors who wish to observe. Voting for the Presidential Preference Poll may only be conducted in a Precinct Meeting, except for absentee military ballots as provided for in § 4.0 of this chapter. All Precinct Meetings must provide for voting in the Poll.
Subsection 1.2
a) Each county central committee shall have sign-in sheets based on county voter
registration rolls no later than 30 days prior to the PPP that persons voting in the Presidential Preference Poll must be signed. The same sign-in sheets must be used for the Poll. The express purpose and intent of this Subsection is to prevent anyone from voting twice in the poll. Voters must be signed in by precinct, and votes tallied by precinct in order to ensure no votes are counted twice.
Subsection 1.3
a) No person shall be allowed to participate in the Presidential Preference Poll at the
Precinct Meeting who does not already appear as a registered Republican on the voter rolls for that precinct not less than thirty (30) days prior to the day of the meeting. Same day registration is prohibited. In the event of any disputes pertaining to registration status, a provisional ballot may be cast until such time as voter registration can be confirmed. Government provided identification with a photo such as a driver’s license, ID Card, or passport must be provided by each person in order to vote. Attendees may vote in the Presidential Preference Poll anytime during the meeting until the scheduled end of the precinct meeting.
Subsection 1.4 – Security Procedures
a) The precinct meeting staff must securely seal ballots and tally sheets in a container with a tamper proof seal in full view of the attendees,
b) The NRP Executive Committee must adopt Standing Rules prescribing the following specific required procedures regarding a recount under this section:
i) Transporting the ballots.
ii) What address they must be sent to.
iii) Under what conditions they are to be transported.
iv) How and when the containers may be reopened.
v) What observers may be present.
vi)Establishing a deadline by which the ballots are to be returned to their respective
county central committees.
Subsection 1.5 – Each county central committee shall communicate the times, locations of all precinct meetings and the names of all precinct meeting chairs to the NRP Secretary not less than 60 days prior to the date of the precinct meetings. The NRP Secretary shall publish this information on the NRP website within 48 hours of receiving it.
Subsection 1.6 – Candidate Campaign Procedures
- Only employed representatives and official surrogates of presidential campaigns who have requested and received pre-approval from the NVGOP will be allowed to speak at any precinct meeting unless they are a registered Republican voter residing in that precinct. Surrogate approval can be requested at [email protected] up to 24 hours prior to the caucus. Any campaign which attempts to disrupt or interrupt the caucus process by using a non-approved campaign surrogate will be subject to a minimum fine of $5000 per instance, with the total fine issued being determined by the NVGOP Executive Board. Any campaign which has incurred fines for disrupting caucus proceedings and has failed to pay them prior to the NVGOP Convention shall be ineligible to have delegates allocated to that candidate.
- In accordance with FEC regulations, no employees of ‘Super PACs’, also known as ‘independent expenditure committees’, shall be allowed to speak or represent any campaign as this would present unlawful and unauthorized coordination between the NVGOP and that entity. At no time will any representative of a Super PAC as defined above be allowed to attend precinct meetings, unit, local city, county, or state conventions or caucuses unless they are a valid voter in that locality in accordance with the Republican Party of the state.
- Under no circumstances shall delegate and/or alternate lists, caucus attendee lists, committee lists, or any other such list be released to or made available to
any Super PAC, PAC, or other organization claiming to support or represent any Presidential campaign. Such lists may only be provided to official Presidential campaigns.
- Any proposed delegate and/or alternate slates or lists for all caucuses and conventions, including but not limited to; local, county, city, unit, congressional district, state, and national conventions, may not originate from any Super PAC as defined above.
- Should such representatives of Super PACS be allowed to attend precinct meetings, unit, local city, county, or state conventions or caucuses, they will not be allowed on the floor of such meeting/caucus/convention, nor allowed to address any such meeting unless they are a credentialed delegate or alternate delegate to the convention, or a legitimate and valid attendee of any caucus or precinct meeting.
- No literature from any Super PAC as defined above will be permitted on the floor of any convention, caucus, or other such meeting whose purpose is part of the delegate selection process.
- Super PACs as defined above shall not be permitted to display, promote, or distribute literature, or take any other similar actions either outside or inside the location of all meetings, caucuses, conventions or any other gathering related to the selection of delegates or alternates.
§ 2.0 Calculation and Reporting of Presidential Preference Poll Results.
Subsection 2.1
a) The ballots cast for each Presidential Candidate on the Presidential Preference Poll shall be tallied by precinct immediately after voting closes. Ballots must be counted using official tally sheets, and must be retained in accordance with the procedures developed by the NVGOP for record and retention purposes. Official vote tellers must print their name as it appears on their voter registration, provide the date and time the tally was completed, and sign the tally sheets in order for the votes to be counted as valid. a) Neither “write-in” ballots nor a “none of the above” option shall be permitted.
b) Any ballot cast for more than one candidate shall be declared invalid.
c) The vote tally for each Precinct must be read aloud at the meeting and communicated to the county central committee before the ballots may leave the site of the Precinct Meeting. The vote tallies shall then be consolidated to provide the individual precinct and county total number of votes cast for each candidate in the county.
d) The vote counted at each individual Precinct Meeting is the official vote except as provided for in Section 4.0. Neither the NVGOP nor any county party shall recount ballots after the adjournment of a precinct meeting except in cases of a recount as specified in Section 12 of this rule.
Subsection 2.2
a) The Secretary or other designated officer of the county central committee shall then certify and communicate both the individual precinct and consolidated county tallies to the Secretary of the Nevada Republican Party immediately following the Poll, but in no event later than midnight of the day following the day of the Precinct Meetings.
b) Upon receipt of all county tallies, the NRP Secretary shall consolidate and certify the county and state totals, and immediately communicate that information, including all individual precinct and county tallies, to each member of the NRP Executive Committee and the chair of each county central committee.
c) The NRP Secretary shall also post all precinct, county, and state results on the website of the Nevada Republican Party in the same process.
Subsection 2.3 – Each county central committee shall retain all ballots and tally sheets, and must ship or deliver them to the NVGOP headquarters within thirty (30) days of the caucus, where they will be archived for the period of not less than seven (7) years. All shipping costs will be paid by the NVGOP.
§ 3.0 No Binding of County Delegates.
It is the express intent and policy of the Nevada Republican Party that Delegates to County Conventions not be bound by the results of the Presidential Preference Poll in their respective Precinct Meetings except where required by law, but that binding shall occur as part of the National Delegate elections at the Nevada Republican Convention.
§ 4.0 Absentee Ballots.
Subsection 4.1
a) An absentee voter verification form and an absentee ballot template, as established at the end of this section, will be for the use of military personnel and their dependents, whether stationed inside or outside their county of registration, so they may cast an absentee ballot in the Presidential Preference Poll. Each county central committee will print and distribute absentee ballot packets to the military personnel or dependents requesting them.
b) Absentee ballot packets shall contain one (1) absentee voter verification form to which serial numbers for control and security purposes have been added, one (1) ballot without identifying features, which is to be sealed into a ballot envelope by the voter, one (1) ballot envelope, which shall have no markings except the voters precinct number and which is to be placed into the return envelope by the voter, and one (1) addressed return envelope.
c) It is the express intent and policy of the Nevada Republican Party that each county party shall take reasonable measures to ensure the secrecy of absentee ballots to the greatest degree feasible.
Subsection 4.2 – Military and dependent absentee ballots shall be returned to the county central committee where the voter is registered to vote by postal mail or delivery service. In order to be counted the absentee ballots must be received by the county central committee no later than 5 PM on the day before the Presidential Preference Poll is held. The Nevada GOP Executive Director will contact the Federal Voting Assistance Program Office to provide information on the caucus and how Military and their families may request absentee ballots.
Subsection 4.3 – The county central committee shall maintain, secure, and control the confidentiality of the absentee ballots until they are tallied. The ballots shall be tallied in the presence of not less than three elected officers of each county central committee and said process will be open to any registered Republican in the county who wishes to observe. The absentee votes cast will be added to the voter’s respective precinct total, and will be reported as a distinct number from the in-person votes cast at the meeting.
§ 5.0 Voter Identification.
Subsection 5.1 – It is the express intent and policy of the Nevada Republican Party that each county central committee shall require the presentation of United States or Nevada government-issued photo identification to cast a Presidential Preference Poll vote or participate in a Precinct Meeting.
§ 6.0 Time and Date of Precinct Meetings.
Subsection 6.1 -The NRCC hereby directs that Precinct Meetings shall be conducted on the first Thursday of February, beginning no earlier than 5:00 P.M. nor later than 7:00 P.M. The NRP Executive Committee may, by adoption of an Executive Resolution, provide for different time(s) and/or date(s) as it may see fit, but any such resolution shall have effect only for the impending general election year. Precinct Meetings may only be scheduled in the months of February, March, or April of even-numbered years. Precinct meetings must end no later than 9:00 P.M.
§ 8.0 Presidential Preference Poll Locations and Dates.
The conduct of voting at any centralized or remote location that would cause a Preference Poll voter to participate at a location other than his or her Precinct Meeting location shall be disallowed. The provisions of this section shall not apply to counties with a population under 100,000.
§ 9.0 Voting Machines.
Each county central committee may provide for the substitution of voting machines in the place of paper ballots in the Presidential Preference Poll, with the exception of absentee ballots and provisional ballots. Any such machines so approved must meet the following conditions:
Subsection 9.1 – Voting machines must provide for a physical paper record for each vote cast.
Subsection 9.2 – Voting machines must be physically located at the site location of the Precinct Meeting(s) for which they shall be used.
Subsection 9.3 – The casting of votes via the Internet or any other remote electronic method is prohibited.
Subsection 9.4 – Voting machines must be capable of providing a vote tally by precinct such that the votes cast using each machine may be tallied and announced in accordance with Sections 1 and 2 of these rules.
§ 10.0 Definitions.
Subsection 10.1 The term “site location” means a single physical street address at which one or more Precinct Meetings are held and at which early voting for a Presidential Preference Poll may be conducted prior to Precinct Meetings.
Subsection 10.2 The term “Precinct Meeting location” means the specific location within a site location at which a Precinct Meeting is conducted.
§ 11.0 Conflict of Rules.
Any conflict of the rules of this chapter with state or federal law or the Rules of the Republican National Committee shall be resolved by the adoption of Temporary Rules by the NRP Executive Committee until the next properly noticed meeting of the NRCC can be convened for the purpose of amending the Rules to comply with appropriate law or rules, at which time any such Temporary Rules shall expire.
§ 12.0 Recounts.
Subsection 12.1 – Requirements
A Presidential Candidate or his legal agent may request a recount under the following conditions:
a) A request in writing is submitted to the NRP Secretary, that the candidate disputes the accuracy of the publicly reported results from the precinct meetings.
b) A deposit in advance of a non-refundable fee of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) is made with the NRP Treasurer.
c) The votes for the count in question are arithmetically close enough to affect the distribution of National Delegates between the Presidential Candidates.
§ 13.0 Alternative Presidential Preference Poll
Subsection 13.1
a) If the NRCC Executive Committee determines that a statewide presidential poll is unnecessary to determine the will of the majority of registered Nevada Republican voters it may call for a poll among the members of the NRCC to determine proportional allocation and binding of delegates and alternates to the Republican National Convention as provided for in Chapter Three. Such a poll shall be known as the “Alternative Presidential Preference Poll”, also referred to in the Standing Rules as the “Alternative Poll”.
b) The NRCC Executive Committee shall determine to use either the Presidential Preference Poll or the Alternative Presidential Preference Poll no later than the date required by The Rules of the Republican National Committee.
c) The Alternative Presidential Preference Poll may only be used when there is an incumbent Republican President who has legally filed for re-election by filing FEC Form 2 with the Federal Elections Commission as of the date of the decision by the NRCC Executive Committee as to which poll will be used.
Subsection 13.2
a) The incumbent Republican President, if running for re-election, shall automatically be placed in nomination as a Republican candidate for President of the United States, if the Alternative Poll is used.
b) Other individuals who have filed a nomination form signed by twenty (20) members of the NRCC with the NRP Secretary fourteen (14) days prior to the Alternative Presidential Preference Poll as a Republican candidate for President of the United States shall be placed in nomination as a Republican candidate for President of the United States.
Subsection 13.3
The Alternative Poll of the members of the NRCC shall be conducted in a manner established by Standing Rules adopted by the Executive Committee, which shall be made no later than the date required by The Rules of the Republican National Committee.
§ 1.0 Proportional Allocation of Delegates and Alternates.
In accordance with the Rules of the Republican National Committee, in Presidential election years, the Nevada Republican Party chooses that its National Delegates and Alternates shall be allocated proportionally based on the final results of the Nevada Presidential Preference Poll, the Alternative Presidential Preference Poll or the Presidential Primary Election, as appropriate, rounded to the nearest whole number. All allocated Delegates shall be elected at the Nevada Republican Convention on behalf of all candidates who receive the percentage of vote required for one or more delegates. Any candidate who receives less than the percentage required for one Delegate will receive no Delegates.
§ 2.0 Nomination of National Delegates and Alternates.
Subsection 2.1
a) Nominations for the position of State and National Delegate and Alternate, whether At-Large or congressional district, shall be by self-nomination, and must meet the requirements of being a bona-fide Republican in good standing.
b) Self-nominations may be made for either a congressional district or At-Large Delegate position, but not both.
c) Nominees must be Delegates to the State Convention.
d) Nominations and any biography or public statement as provided for in Subsection 2.7, must be submitted in advance not less than seven (7) days prior to the State Convention in writing to the NRP Secretary.
e) The NRP Secretary must include the information in paragraphs (a) through (d) above and information on how to self-nominate in the Call to the Meeting of the State Convention including all required information to self-nominate and in such form and manner as the Secretary shall prescribe.
Subsection 2.2 – Nominees for Congressional District National must be qualified electors of the congressional district they seek to represent.
Subsection 2.3 – The names of all properly submitted nominations shall be included on the respective Delegate ballots.
Subsection 2.4 – The NRP Secretary shall notify each Nevada State Convention Delegate of the names of all individuals properly nominated to be National Delegates not less than three (3) days prior to the State Convention. This information is not part of the Call to Convention.
Subsection 2.5 – The NRP Secretary must also include a reminder in the Call that those elected as a National Delegate or Alternate Delegate must pay all their own expenses to the national Convention including registration, travel, meals and lodging.
Subsection 2.6 – No person who is otherwise qualified to be a Delegate to the Republican National Convention shall be eligible to hold such a position if, at any time following the adoption of this rule, that person, acting as a Delegate, has failed to uphold their obligation, as provided for in these rules or the Rules of the RNC, in support of a specific candidate. The determination of this provision shall be based solely on the vote conveyed to the Convention Secretary by the Delegate. This provision shall not apply to delegates who are released from their commitment in accordance with these Rules and shall not be applied retroactively to past Delegates.
Subsection 2.7 – Each National Delegate nominee may optionally provide a biography or public statement of 250 words or less, along with their self-nomination, which shall be posted by the Secretary on the NRP website at least three (3) days prior to the Nevada Republican Convention. Additionally, each National Delegate nominee may opt to place the name of their preferred Presidential Candidate in parentheses adjacent to the nominee’s name on the ballot.
Subsection 2.8 – Nominees for Delegate or Alternate to the RNC National Convention must be bona-fide Republicans in good standing, demonstrated by meeting at least four (4) of the following requirements:
a) Show continuous registration as a Republican voter for no less than the past 5 years or, for individuals 23 years of age or younger, show continuous registration as a Republican voter since the age of 18 years old,
b) Voted in at least two (2) of the last three (3) statewide Republican primaries, or for individuals 23 years of age or younger, voted in any Republican primary for which they were eligible,
c) Voted in at least two (2) of the last three (3) statewide elections, or for individuals 23 years of age or younger, voted in any statewide general election for which they were eligible,
d) Be a member in good standing of their county central committee,
e) Be a member of the NRCC,
f) Provide a statement to the NVGOP Chairman, Vice Chairman, or Executive Director
from the respective county chair or vice chair, confirming performance of at least 24 hours of volunteer work on behalf of the NVGOP or their county over the past 12 months.
Any individual who has made a public statement of support or who has endorsed a non- Republican candidate in a contested non-partisan election where a registered Republican candidate was running shall not be considered to be a Republican in good- standing, and are deemed ineligible to self-nominate. Additionally, the chairman of each county party, members of the NVGOP Steering Committee, and members of the NVGOP Executive Committee shall be considered Republicans in good standing by virtue of their committee membership, or by virtue of their elected or appointed office and are not subject to the above requirements.
§ 3.0 Election of Delegates to the Republican National Convention
Subsection 3.1 – Delegates and Alternates to the Republican National Convention (National Delegates and Alternates) shall be elected at the Nevada Republican Convention. There shall be three (3) National Delegates allocated to represent each congressional district in Nevada, and a number of At-Large Delegates as determined in accordance with the Rules of the Republican National Committee. Each National Delegate position shall also have one (1) Alternate for that position, except for automatic Delegates.
Subsection 3.2 – National Delegates allocated to represent congressional districts (Congressional District National Delegates) shall be elected by the Nevada Republican Convention Delegates from each such congressional district. Each Delegate to the Nevada Republican Convention may vote for up to three (3) nominees for National Delegate for their congressional district. All nominees receiving votes shall be ranked in accordance with the number of votes received from highest to lowest. Congressional District Delegate positions shall be awarded to the three (3) highest ranked nominees, with Alternate positions being awarded to the next three (3) highest ranked nominees in descending order.
Subsection 3.3 – At-Large National Delegates shall be elected by all Nevada Republican Convention Delegates. Each Delegate to the Nevada Republican Convention may vote for up to the number of nominees for At-Large National Delegate as there are At-Large Delegate positions as determined in accordance with the Rules of the Republican National Committee. All nominees receiving votes shall be ranked in accordance with the number of votes received from highest to lowest. At-Large Delegate positions shall be assigned starting with the highest ranked nominee and continuing in descending order until all At-Large Delegate positions are filled, followed by Alternate positions to be assigned starting with the highest ranked nominee who did not win a Delegate position and continuing in descending order until all Alternate positions are filled.
Subsection 3.4 – Any ballot cast for the election of Congressional District or At-Large Delegates that has more votes cast than positions to be filled shall be declared void.
§ 4.0 Assignment of National Delegates and Alternates
Subsection 4.1 – After their election, the NRP Secretary shall assign each National Delegate an obligation to vote for a particular Presidential Candidate (Binding) no later than ten (10) calendar days after the close of the State Convention.
Subsection 4.2 – The NRP Secretary shall allocate National Delegates to the candidate of their choice by first allocating the three (3) automatic Delegates (Nevada Republican Party Chair, National Committeeman, and National Committeewoman) to their preferred candidate.
Subsection 4.3 – The NRP Secretary will next allocate the three (3) Delegates from each congressional district based on the percentage of the vote each Delegate received among all Congressional District Delegates, beginning with the highest percentage of votes cast for that position, to their preferred candidate.
Subsection 4.4 – The Secretary will then allocate the remaining Delegates for each candidate, beginning with the preference of the At-Large national Delegate with the highest votes followed by the preference of the national Delegate receiving the second highest number of votes, and continuing in descending order of votes received until the number of Delegates earned by each candidate in the Presidential Preference Poll has been allocated.
Subsection 4.5 – Once all earned Delegates have been allocated to a specific candidate, the remaining Delegates must choose to be bound to a candidate with Delegate positions remaining; otherwise that Delegate will be assigned by the Secretary an obligation to one of the remaining candidates, regardless of preference.
Subsection 4.6 – Each Alternate will be assigned to a Delegate according to rank ordering of votes among both Delegates and Alternates at the State Convention and shall inherit that Delegate’s candidate binding obligation for the purpose of temporary replacement on the floor of the National Nominating Convention. Permanent replacement of Delegates by Alternates shall be done in accordance with Section 7.0 of this Chapter. Alternates shall inherit the candidate binding of the Delegates they replace.
§ 5.0 Binding and Release of National Delegates and Alternates.
Subsection 5.1 All votes of National Delegates and Alternates – Automatic, At-Large and Congressional District – shall be required to be cast for the Presidential Candidate to whom they are bound. This requirement applies only to the first candidate vote at the Republican National Convention.
Subsection 5.2 In the event that a Presidential Candidate should win all the National Delegates, the NRP Chair shall be automatically unbound, without further action, in order to prevent violation of RNC rules prohibiting unit voting.
Subsection 5.3
a) The NRP Secretary shall contact each Presidential Candidate or the candidate’s designated campaign representative in writing thirty (30) days prior to the date of the Nevada Republican Convention to determine the candidate’s desired disposition of their National Delegates following the State Convention.
b) Each candidate may elect to either affirm the binding obligation of the delegates to be elected on their behalf at the Nevada Republican Convention, fully release the binding obligation of their delegates, or proportionally reallocate the binding obligation of their delegates to the remaining candidates based on the results of the Presidential Preference Poll or Alternative Presidential Preference Poll.
c) The NRP Secretary shall also inform each candidate or designated campaign representative that a response must be received in writing no less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the Nevada Republican Convention; otherwise the binding obligation of their delegates shall be fully released.
d) The Secretary shall provide an email summary of the candidate delegate-disposition information to all Nevada Republican Convention delegates within twenty-four (24) hours following the candidate reporting deadline. The Secretary shall also post the same information on the state party website within the same time frame.
Subsection 5.4
a) National Delegates and Alternates bound to any candidate who withdraws, suspends, or otherwise discontinues their campaign at any time following the Nevada Republican Convention but prior to the Republican National Convention shall be released from their commitment to that candidate and may vote as they choose on the first and any subsequent candidate votes at the Republican National Convention.
b) For the purposes of these rules, a candidate shall be considered to have discontinued his or her campaign should they file with the Federal Election Commission to terminate their campaign, publicly endorse another candidate in the race, publicly release their delegates, or make a public statement indicating that they have “suspended” their campaign such that they will otherwise no longer be actively seeking the Office of President.
Subsection 5.5 – Any Presidential Candidate whose National Delegates’ binding obligation is released pursuant to Subsection 5.4 above may elect to retain the binding obligation of their delegates by notifying the NRP Secretary in writing at least seven (7) days prior to the Republican National Convention.
§ 6 Delegation Chairman and Polling of Delegates for Candidate Votes
Subsection 6.1 – The Delegation Chairman shall be elected by the National Delegates and shall be responsible to cast the delegation’s votes on behalf of the delegation when called upon by the Secretary of the Republican National Convention.
Subsection 6.2 – The Delegation Chairman shall, upon the first round of candidate voting, calculate the delegation’s votes by polling all unbound National Delegates and adding the votes cast to the votes of all bound National Delegates, whose votes will automatically be counted in accordance with their Binding. National Delegates who are bound to a specific candidate will not be polled on the first round of candidate voting.
Subsection 6.3 – The Delegation Chairman shall poll all National Delegates on any subsequent candidate votes and shall cast the delegation’s votes accordingly.
Subsection 6.4 – The votes of the National Delegation shall be cast by the Delegation Chair as provided for in the Rules of the RNC. Any Delegation Chair who violates any provision of this section shall be permanently prohibited from standing for election from Nevada as a National Delegate or Alternate Delegate or for any NRP Elective Office or for being appointed to any vacancy in the same.
§ 7.0 Vacancies in State Delegation.
Subsection 7.1 – In accordance with the Rules of the Republican National Committee, filling of vacancies in the National Convention Delegation shall be by the NRP Executive Committee.
Subsection 7.2 – Delegates and Alternates must be eligible to represent Congressional Districts and At-Large positions at both the time of their election and the time of the National Nominating Convention.
Subsection 7.3 – In the event that a Delegate is no longer eligible to the position, or resigns, the position shall be declared vacant. In the event of a permanent vacancy in a Congressional District or At-Large position, Alternates shall be elevated to Delegate in the order of their Nevada State Convention vote totals, commencing with the highest total, and a replacement Alternate shall be selected by the NRP Executive Committee.
§ 8.0 Miscellaneous Provisions.
Subsection 8.1 – When rounding off numbers in the calculation of the allocation of Delegates, the calculation will be based on the largest remainder method.
Subsection 8.2 –In the event of a tie, the decision shall be made by the cutting of a deck of cards. When determining the winner of a tie by the cutting of a deck of cards, the winner shall be the person who draws the highest card with the Ace considered the highest card, and with suits ranked in the following order, from highest to lowest: spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs.
Subsection 8.3 – Any conflict of the rules of this chapter with state or federal law or the Rules of the Republican National Committee shall be resolved by the adoption of Temporary Rules by the NRP Executive Committee until the next properly noticed meeting of the NRCC can be convened for the purpose of amending the Rules to comply with appropriate law or rules, at which time any such Temporary Rules shall expire.
1.0 General Provisions
Subsection 1.1 – No write in votes shall be permitted.
Subsection 1.2 – All voting conducted by ballot shall be managed under the direction and control of the NRP Vice Chair, who shall appoint an Election Manager to assist him in said duties and such number of Election Clerks as he may deem necessary.
2.0 Nominations
Subsection 2.1 – All nominations for elective party office whether elected by the central committee or the state convention, shall be self-nominations.
Subsection 2.2 – No person shall be a nominee for any elective office delineated in NRCC Bylaws Article 6, Section 1, Paragraph (A), unless they are current voting members in good standing of the Nevada Republican Central Committee.
Subsection 2.3 – Self nominations must be submitted in writing, to the Secretary, by either postal mail or electronic mail, not less than thirty days before the date of election, not counting the day of the election. The time deadline on the date of the deadline shall be 7:00 PM Pacific Time.
Subsection 2.4 – Except as provided for in Subsection 2.5, no nominations shall be permitted from the floor unless there are no nominations submitted pursuant to Standing Rule 2.3 for the vacant offices being filled by election.
Subsection 2.5 – A nomination may be permitted from the floor on the day of the election if submitted in writing and physically delivered to the Secretary prior to the meeting of the Central Committee being called to order. This privilege is restricted to any new member of the Central Committee who was not a member of the Central Committee at the time the deadline for nomination expired.
Subsection 2.6 – In the event that there are proper nominations submitted for vacant offices and these nominations are equal to or fewer than the vacancies being filled, a vote at any such meeting to elect each unopposed candidate by a show of hands shall be held in lieu of a ballot. A majority is required to elect.
3.0 Candidate Speeches
Subsection 3.1 – Candidates shall be entitled to give a five-minute speech to the NRCC.
1.0 Membership Roster Distribution
Subsection 1.1 – This section is intended to interpret and enforce Article 5, Section 2, ¶ C, Subparagraph 5 of the Bylaws of the Nevada Republican Central Committee.
Subsection 1.2 – Distribution of the membership roster is to include the information delineated below in Paragraphs (a) and (b), inclusive.
(a) First and last name.
(b) County of Residence.
1.0_Submission of General & Service Resolutions
General & Service Resolutions must be submitted to the Resolutions Committee no later than 10 days prior to the opening of the convention to be considered by the convention. After that date resolutions may only be submitted as provided for in the Final Convention Rules.
2.0 Establishment of Precinct Meeting & Convention Time Frames
The Nevada Republican Party plan for precinct meetings, county party convention and state convention to allow adequate time for scheduling and preparation.
The provisions and procedures set forth in NRS 293 as repealed during the 2021 Legislative Session (as attached) will, as of this date, November 18, 2021 be incorporated into the Standing Rules of the Nevada Republican Central Committee and effective until such time as amendments to our bylaws and rules are approved.
Subsection 2.1 – County Republican Conventions are required to be completed a minimum of 45 days prior to the opening of the State Republican Convention.
Subsection 2.2 – The State Republican Convention is to be scheduled to convene no earlier than April 29 and no later than May 14; and that County Precinct Meetings and County Conventions will be required to be scheduled and completed no later than March 16.
Subsection 2.3 – The County Republican Parties that do not meet the cut-off date for completion of their Convention, or submission of their delegate information within 5 business days of the cut-off date, may lose the right of their submitted delegation to State Convention to be seated as decided by a vote of the Executive Board of the Nevada Republican Central Committee. Additionally, the Executive Board of the Nevada Republican Central Committee reserves the right to appoint a delegation to represent any County Republican Party whose submitted delegation is disqualified due missing the prescribed deadlines.
3.0 Procedures for Qualification
To qualify as a major political party, any organization must, under a common name: a) On January 1 preceding any primary election, have been designated as a political
party on the applications to register to vote of at least 10 percent of the total number of registered voters in this State; or
b) File a petition with the Secretary of State not later than the last Friday in February before any primary election signed by a number of registered voters equal to or more than 10 percent of the total number of votes cast at the last preceding general election for the offices of Representative in Congress.
If a petition is filed pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 1, the names of the voters need not all be on one document, but each document of the petition must be verified by the circulator thereof to the effect that the signers are registered voters of this State according to the circulator’s best information and belief and that the signatures are genuine and were signed in the circulator’s presence. Each document of the petition must bear the name of a county, and only registered voters of that county may sign the document. The documents which are circulated for signature must then be submitted for verification pursuant to NRS 293.1276 to 293.1279, inclusive, not later than 25 working days before the last Friday in February preceding a primary election.
In addition to the requirements set forth in subsection 1, each organization which wishes to qualify as a political party must file with the Secretary of State a certificate of existence which includes the:
a) Name of the political party;
b) Names and addresses of its officers;
c) Names of the members of its executive committee; and
d) Name of the person who is authorized by the party to act as registered agent in this
A political party shall file with the Secretary of State an amended certificate of existence within 5 days after any change in the information contained in the certificate.
3.0 County Convention: Place; Notice.
On the dates set by the respective state central committees in each year in which a general election is to be held, a county convention of each major political party must be held at the county seat of each county or at such other place in the county as the county central committee designates.
The county central committee of each major political party shall cause notice of the holding of the county convention of its party to be published in one or more newspapers, if any, published in the county. The notice must be in substantially the following form:
csharpCopy code Notice is hereby given that the county Convention of the ................ Party
for ……………. County will be held at ……………. in ……………., on the …… of the month of …………… of the year ……; that at the convention delegates to the …….. State Convention will be elected, a county central committee to serve for the ensuing 2 years will be chosen, and other party affairs may be considered; that delegates to such county convention will be chosen at ……..(name of party)…….. precinct meetings to be held in each voting precinct in the county on or before the ….. day of the month of …………… of the year ……..; and that a voting precinct is entitled to a number of delegates in proportion to the number of registered voters of the ……………. Party residing in the precinct as set forth in NRS 293.133.
County Central Committee of…………………………………… County, Nevada
By……………………………………………………………………………. (Its Chair)
And…………………………………………………………………………. (Its Secretary)
3.0 Number of delegates from voting precincts to county convention
The number of delegates from each voting precinct in each county to the county convention of any major political party for that county must be determined pursuant to the rules of the party, if the rules of the party so provide, or, if the rules of the party do not so provide, in proportion to the number of registered voters of that party residing in the precinct as follows:
a) In the counties in which the total number of registered voters of that party has not exceeded 400, each precinct is entitled to one delegate for each 5 registered voters.
b) In counties in which the total number of registered voters of that party has exceeded 400 but has not exceeded 600, each precinct is entitled to one delegate for each 8 registered voters.
c) In counties in which the total number of registered voters of that party has exceeded 600 but has not exceeded 800, each precinct is entitled to one delegate for each 10 registered voters.
d) In counties in which the total number of registered voters of that party has exceeded 800 but has not exceeded 1,400, each precinct is entitled to one delegate for each 15 registered voters.
e) In counties in which the total number of registered voters of that party has exceeded 1,400 but has not exceeded 2,000, each precinct is entitled to one delegate for
f) In counties in which the total number of registered voters of that party has exceeded 2,000 but has not exceeded 3,000, each precinct is entitled to one delegate for each 30 registered voters or major fraction thereof.
g) In counties in which the total number of registered voters of that party has exceeded 3,000 but has not exceeded 4,000, each precinct is entitled to one delegate for each 35 registered voters or major fraction thereof.
h) In counties in which the total number of registered voters of that party has exceeded 4,000, each precinct is entitled to one delegate for each 50 registered voters or major fraction thereof.
Upon the request of a state or county central committee, the county clerk shall determine the number of registered voters of each party in each precinct as of:
a) The date 90 days before the date set for the precinct meeting pursuant to Chapter 50 and shall notify the Secretary of State and the county central committee of each major political party of those numbers within 10 days after the determinative date. If consistent with the rules of the party, the number determined pursuant to this paragraph must be used to determine the number of delegates to the county convention.
b) Any date other than the date set forth in paragraph (a).
In all counties, if consistent with the rules of the party, every precinct is entitled to at least one delegate to each county convention.
3.0 Precinct meeting of registered voters before county convention: Time and Place; notice.
The county central committee of each major political party in each county shall have a precinct meeting of the registered voters of the party residing in each voting precinct entitled to delegates in the county convention called and held on the dates set for the precinct meeting by the respective state central committees in each year in which a general election is held.
- The meeting must be held in one of the following places in the following order of preference:
a) Any public building within the precinct if the meeting is for a single precinct, or any public building which is in reasonable proximity to the precincts and will accommodate a meeting of two or more precincts; or
b) Any private building within the precinct or one of the precincts.
- The county central committee shall give notice of the meeting by: a) Posting in a conspicuous place outside the building where the meeting is to be
b) Publishing in one or more newspapers of general circulation in the precinct,
published in the county, if any are so published
i) On the date set for giving notice of the meeting by the respective state
central committees.
- The notice must be printed in conspicuous display advertising format of not less than 10 column inches, and must include the following language, or words of similar import:
Notice to All Voters Registered in the (State Name of Major Political Party)
The Republican Party, in every year during which a general election is held, to have a precinct meeting held for each precinct. All persons registered in the party and residing in the precinct are entitled to attend the precinct meeting. Delegates to your party’s county convention will be elected at the meeting by those in attendance. Set forth below are the time and place at which your precinct meeting will be held, together with the number of delegates to be elected from each precinct. If you wish to participate in the organization of your party for the coming 2 years, attend your precinct meeting.
- The notice must specify: (a) The date, time and place of the meeting; and
(b) The number of delegates to the county convention to be chosen at the meeting.
4.0 Election of delegates to county convention; procedure if precinct fails to elect delegates; certificates given to elected delegates; state central committee to adopt written procedural rules.
- Promptly at the time and place appointed therefor, the mass meeting must be convened and organized for each precinct. If access to the premises appointed for any such meeting is not available, the meeting may be convened at an accessible place immediately adjacent thereto. The meeting must be conducted openly and publicly and in such a manner that it is freely accessible to any registered voter of the party calling the meeting who resides in the precinct and is desirous of attending the meeting, until the meeting is adjourned. At the meeting, the delegates to which the members of the party residing in the precinct are entitled in the party’s county convention must be elected pursuant to the rules of the state central committee of that party. In presidential election years, the election of delegates may be a part of expressing preferences for candidates for the party’s nomination for President of the United States if the rules of the party permit such conduct. The result of the election must be certified to the county convention of the party by the chair and the secretary of the meeting upon the forms specified in subsection 3.
- At the precinct meetings, the delegates and alternates to the party’s convention must be elected. If a meeting is not held for a particular precinct at the location specified, that precinct must be without representation at the county convention unless the meeting was scheduled, with proper notice, and no registered voter of the party appeared. In that case, the meeting shall be deemed to have been held and the position of delegate is vacant. If a position of delegate is vacant, it must be filled by the designated alternate, if any. If there is no designated alternate, the vacancy must be filled pursuant to the rules of the party, if the rules of the party so provide, or, if the rules of the party do not so provide, the county central committee shall appoint a delegate from among the qualified members of the party residing in the precinct in which the vacancy occurred, and the secretary of the county central committee shall certify the appointed delegate to the county convention.
- The county central committee shall prepare and number serially a number of certificate forms equal to the total number of delegates to be elected throughout the county, and deliver the appropriate number to each precinct meeting. Each certificate must be in duplicate. The original must be given to the elected delegate, and the duplicate transmitted to the county central committee.
- All duplicates must be delivered to the chair of the preliminary credentials committee of the county convention. Every delegate who presents a certificate matching one of the duplicates must be seated without dispute.
- Each state central committee shall adopt written rules governing, but not limited to, the following procedures:
a) The selection, rights and duties of committees of a convention;
b) Challenges to credentials of delegates; and
c) Majority and minority reports of committees.
5.0 County conventions: Manner of organization; authorized action of delegates.
- At a time and date set by the respective state central committees in each year in which a general election is to be held, the delegates so elected to each party county convention shall convene at the county seat, or at such other place in the county as the county central committee shall designate, and there organize, elect the delegates to which the registered voters of the party residing in the county are entitled in the state convention of the party, elect the county central committee for the ensuing 2 years and elect any other officers required by the rules of the party, and may select their candidates for county offices. The delegates to the county convention shall also select the names of persons to be members of the state central committee as prescribed in subsection 3.
- When the names of the delegates to the state convention have been selected, they must be certified by the secretary of the county convention to the temporary organization of the state convention. The names of the members of the state central committee must be certified by the secretary of the county convention to the respective state central committee.
- Each county central committee of a major political party shall select persons to be members of the state central committee of the party in the following manner:
a) If the county has elected 10 or fewer delegates to the state convention, one person must be selected;
b) If the county has elected more than 10 delegates but fewer than 50 delegates to the state convention, two persons must be selected;
c) If the county has elected 50 or more delegates but fewer than 100 delegates to the state convention, three persons must be selected;
d) If the county has elected 100 or more delegates but fewer than 200 delegates to the state convention, four persons must be selected; and
e) If the county has elected 200 or more delegates to the state convention, five persons must be selected.
- Each delegate to a state convention must be a resident of the county he or she represents.
1.0 Adoption of Temporary Rules
The Preliminary Convention Rules will be adopted to assist in conducting the business of the convention until permanent rules can be adopted by the body of the convention.
1.1 The General Rules will be used to conduct all business until otherwise provided
1.2 General Rules for Conduct of Business
§ 1.10
(a) Call to Order, Opening Ceremonies and Election of the Temporary Chair
(b) The State Chairman or designee will call the convention to order and preside over the election of the Temporary Chairman.
(c) The State Chairman or designee will conduct a roll call of the counties to verify credentials and establish the presence of a quorum.
(d) The Temporary Chairman will appoint an Election Committee, Rules Committee, Resolutions Committee, and Credentials Committee. If there are multiple candidates, the Temporary Chair shall allow each candidate to make a presentation of no more than five minutes.
(e) The Chairman of each respective Committee will give the report of each respective committee.
(f) The Chairman will entertain a motion to adopt the temporary rules as permanent rules.
(g) The Chairman will conduct an election of the delegates to the Republican National Convention, conduct an election for the offices of Republican National Committeeman, Republican National Committeewoman and Republican Party Chairman, and any other business as provided for in the call to the meeting.
§ 1.11 The final Convention rules will be adopted by a vote of the delegates of the convention. This may be done at any time after the committee reports have been approved.
§ 2.0 Meetings of the Credentials Committee
§ 2.1 The Credentials Committee shall meet no later than two hours prior to the beginning of the convention. The meeting shall be at a place designated by the Convention Chairman, and open to the public. The Committee shall consider any and all disputes that have arisen over the proper seating of delegates and alternates. After meeting, the Committee will report their findings to the Convention Chairman, who shall provide the Committee report to the convention.
§ 2.2 The report of the Committee on Credentials will be final. Any delegate or alternate whose credentials are accepted will be seated and permitted to vote. Any delegation whose members are challenged will have an opportunity to present their claims and facts.
§ 2.3 The Committee on Credentials shall retain their own records for all future reference.
§ 3.0 Seating of Delegates and Alternates
§ 3.1 Delegates will be seated in alphabetical order by county. Alternates will be seated by county with the Delegates for their respective counties. All contested delegations will be seated in alphabetical order by county.
§ 3.2 The Secretary will call the roll by county for the election of officers.
§ 3.3 The Chair will announce the results of each election immediately after the ballots have been cast.
§ 3.4 Alternates will be seated in the order of their election at the State Convention. If a vacancy should occur in any delegation, the Chair shall recognize the next alternate in line to be seated as a Delegate. The recognition shall be on the basis of the order of election.
§ 3.5 The Chair shall designate a Sergeant at Arms and other assistants to maintain order and decorum during the convention. The Sergeant at Arms shall act as the official representative of the Chair, shall be the sole authority for maintaining order and decorum in the convention hall, and shall be responsible for maintaining the security of the delegates and alternates, and the integrity of the convention process. The Sergeant at Arms shall have the authority to expel any delegate, alternate, or guest whose conduct impedes the proper conduct of the convention.
§ 3.6 – The Chair shall designate a Parliamentarian to advise on questions of order and interpret the Rules. The Parliamentarian shall be the final arbiter on any question of parliamentary procedure.
§ 3.7 The Chair shall designate a Secretary to keep a record of all proceedings, including a transcript, and to ensure that a copy of all reports of the Credentials Committee, Rules Committee, and Resolutions Committee are appended to the official convention minutes.
§ 3.8 The Secretary shall ensure that a copy of all reports and records of the convention are submitted to the NRCC Secretary within thirty (30) days following the close of the convention. All records and reports shall be retained for a period of not less than ten (10) years.
§ 3.9 – In the event of any discrepancies between the Standing Rules and the Constitution, the Standing Rules shall control.
§ 4.0 Proxies
§ 4.1 No proxies shall be permitted. Each delegate must be present to vote.
§ 5.0 Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 5.1 All matters not provided for in these rules shall be governed by the General Rules.
§ 5.2 A quorum for the conduct of business shall consist of a majority of the total number of certified delegates.
§ 5.3 All votes shall be taken by voice vote, standing vote, or show of hands. At the discretion of the Chair, any vote may be taken by roll call.
§ 5.4 In the event that a roll call vote is called, the Chair shall cause a list of delegates eligible to vote to be prepared by county and posted at the entrance to the convention hall.
§ 5.5 No delegate or alternate shall be permitted to enter the convention hall without a credential issued by the Credentials Committee.
§ 5.6 At the discretion of the Chair, each delegate and alternate may be permitted to have an identification badge which may be in the form of a ribbon, sticker, or name tag, issued by the Credentials Committee.
§ 5.7 The Chair shall designate a time and place for the collection of credentials. At the end of each session of the convention, the Chair shall cause the credentials to be collected and returned to the Credentials Committee for safekeeping. The Credentials Committee shall cause the credentials to be returned to the delegates and alternates before the beginning of the next session of the convention.
§ 5.8 Any delegate or alternate who loses their credential or badge must report the loss to the Credentials Committee immediately. The Credentials Committee shall cause a duplicate credential to be issued to the delegate or alternate.
§ 5.9 – The Chair shall cause all credentials, badges, records, and reports of the convention to be sealed and delivered to the Secretary of the NRCC within thirty (30) days following the close of the convention.
§ 1.0 Conduct of Recount
In the event that a recount of the votes cast in the Presidential Preference Poll is requested pursuant to the rules of Chapter Two, the recount shall be conducted by the NRCC Executive Committee, which shall appoint an independent Recount Manager and such number of Recount Clerks as may be necessary to conduct the recount. The recount shall be conducted under the following rules:
§ 1.1 General Rules
(a) The Recount Manager shall take custody of all ballots and tally sheets, and shall secure them in a location accessible only to the Recount Manager and Recount Clerks. (b) The Recount Manager shall establish and implement procedures for the counting and certification of ballots, including procedures for the resolution of disputes regarding the validity of ballots. (c) The Recount Manager shall prepare and submit to the NRCC Executive Committee a report of the results of the recount, including a summary of any disputes and their resolution.
§ 1.2 Ballot Counting Procedures
(a) The Recount Manager shall appoint Recount Clerks who shall count the ballots. (b) The Recount Clerks shall count the ballots in accordance with the procedures established by the Recount Manager. (c) The Recount Clerks shall prepare and submit to the Recount Manager a report of the results of the recount, including a summary of any disputes and their resolution.
§ 1.3 Certification of Results
(a) The Recount Manager shall prepare and submit to the NRCC Executive Committee a report of the results of the recount, including a summary of any disputes and their resolution. (b) The NRCC Executive Committee shall certify the results of the recount and shall publish the certified results on the website of the Nevada Republican Party.
§ 2.0 Costs of Recount
The costs of the recount shall be borne by the Presidential Candidate requesting the recount.
§ 3.0 Procedures for Resolving Disputes
The Recount Manager shall establish and implement procedures for the resolution of disputes regarding the validity of ballots. These procedures shall include the following:
§ 3.1 Dispute Resolution Procedures
(a) The Recount Manager shall appoint a Dispute Resolution Committee, consisting of three members, to resolve disputes regarding the validity of ballots. (b) The Dispute Resolution Committee shall review the disputed ballots and shall determine the validity of each disputed ballot. (c) The Dispute Resolution Committee shall prepare and submit to the Recount Manager a report of the results of the dispute resolution, including a summary of the disputes and their resolution.
§ 3.2 Certification of Dispute Resolution Results
(a) The Recount Manager shall prepare and submit to the NRCC Executive Committee a report of the results of the dispute resolution, including a summary of the disputes and their resolution. (b) The NRCC Executive Committee shall certify the results of the dispute resolution and shall publish the certified results on the website of the Nevada Republican Party.
§ 4.0 Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 4.1 Record Retention
The Recount Manager shall retain all records of the recount, including ballots, tally sheets, and dispute resolution reports, for a period of not less than seven (7) years.
§ 4.2 Conflict of Rules
Any conflict of the rules of this chapter with state or federal law or the Rules of the Republican National Committee shall be resolved by the adoption of Temporary Rules by the NRP Executive Committee until the next properly noticed meeting of the NRCC can be convened for the purpose of amending the Rules to comply with appropriate law or rules, at which time any such Temporary Rules shall expire.
§ 1.0 General Provisions
§ 1.1 Purpose and Scope
The Alternative Presidential Preference Poll (Alternative Poll) is established as an alternative to the Presidential Preference Poll (PPP) for the selection of delegates to the Republican National Convention. The Alternative Poll may only be used when there is an incumbent Republican President who has legally filed for re-election by filing FEC Form 2 with the Federal Elections Commission as of the date of the decision by the NRCC Executive Committee as to which poll will be used.
§ 1.2 Authority
The Alternative Poll is established under the authority of the General Rules of Order of the NRCC and the Rules of the Republican National Committee.
§ 1.3 Conduct of the Alternative Poll
The Alternative Poll shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of this chapter and the General Rules of Order of the NRCC.
§ 2.0 Nomination of Candidates
§ 2.1 Nomination of Incumbent Republican President
The incumbent Republican President, if running for re-election, shall automatically be placed in nomination as a Republican candidate for President of the United States, if the Alternative Poll is used.
§ 2.2 Nomination of Other Candidates
Other individuals who have filed a nomination form signed by twenty (20) members of the NRCC with the NRP Secretary fourteen (14) days prior to the Alternative Presidential Preference Poll as a Republican candidate for President of the United States shall be placed in nomination as a Republican candidate for President of the United States.
§ 3.0 Conduct of the Alternative Poll
§ 3.1 Polling Procedures
The Alternative Poll of the members of the NRCC shall be conducted in a manner established by Standing Rules adopted by the Executive Committee, which shall be made no later than the date required by The Rules of the Republican National Committee.
§ 3.2 Certification of Results
The NRP Secretary shall consolidate and certify the county and state totals, and immediately communicate that information, including all individual precinct and county tallies, to each member of the NRP Executive Committee and the chair of each county central committee.
§ 3.3 Publication of Results
The NRP Secretary shall also post all precinct, county, and state results on the website of the Nevada Republican Party in the same process.
§ 4.0 Binding of Delegates
The Delegates to the Republican National Convention shall be bound by the results of the Alternative Poll in the same manner as they are bound by the results of the Presidential Preference Poll.
§ 5.0 Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 5.1 Conflict of Rules
Any conflict of the rules of this chapter with state or federal law or the Rules of the Republican National Committee shall be resolved by the adoption of Temporary Rules by the NRP Executive Committee until the next properly noticed meeting of the NRCC can be convened for the purpose of amending the Rules to comply with appropriate law or rules, at which time any such Temporary Rules shall expire.