If the 2012 election results prove anything, it is that Nevada remains a conservative state, but one that demands practical solutions to difficult issues. All are entitled to their opinions, but today’s priorities not those of the past must prevail if the Republican Party is to regain the trust of Nevada’s voters. As Congressman Mark Amodei (and Dr. Einstein) noted, “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” We must change if we are to survive.
The Nevada GOP needs both a strategic vision and a tactical plan that focuses on setting priorities and winning elections. If we remain mired in the past, our party will continue to lose at the polls or become extinct—or both.
The Playbook
- Free Enterprise Our free enterprise system is founded on a belief that individuals have the right to set their own destiny. Given appropriate safeguards, we believe fair and open competition in the private sector creates the best economic results for society. There is no reason to think that government officials can make better decisions than those whose livelihoods are at stake. Free enterprise includes:
- Economic policies that promote jobs and encourage businesses to grow. That means promoting mining, energy, construction, gaming, and small businesses at home while encouraging corporations and entrepreneurs to build their businesses in our state.
- Regulations that are necessary but not burdensome. Regulations should encourage a level playing field and punish those who cheat. They should not force competitive businesses that create jobs into a regulatory labyrinth of endless paperwork.
- A responsible budget that allows future generations to build the society they want. Annual $1 trillion deficits and a $16 trillion ($51,615 per Nevadan) national debt are unacceptable. Simply put, we must cut expenses—across the board.
- A fair and efficient tax system. Our current regime of high federal tax rates is riddled with carve outs and exceptions. It does not allow businesses to plan for the future and fails in its primary objective: to raise sufficient revenues to pay for the government’s budget. In Nevada, we must review a fiscal system that is perennially out of date.
- State Responsibilities and Local Control Our country was founded on a belief that divided government is the best protection against an all-powerful state. Political authority should be split between national and local governments and spread over three separate but complementary branches. Equally important, our party believes that government which is closest to the people governs best.
Nevada faces many issues including education, unemployment, taxes and healthcare. Carson City’s responsibilities also include housing, local land use, and criminal justice.
Unless the national government cedes both responsibility and funding to the states, Nevada will be handicapped in achieving its objectives. Our State Legislature’s focus should be on improving education and creating jobs. The rest will follow if they are successful.
- Pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants The GOP has increasingly found itself in positions that do not meet the demographic realities of the State’s electorate. These positions also conflict with our party’s historic commitment to civil rights. To that end, Republicans must become more inclusive, reflecting our desire to secure a better life for all Americans, and equally important, for our children.
The United States should secure its borders, enforce the laws that exist, and recognize the many groups that have worked hard to support their families and build a community. These groups include Hispanics and other immigrant minorities, young and old, black and white. We support a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants that would require registering with the government; and, include the ability to communicate in English, performing military or other community service, and proof of financial responsibility as required by the USCIS. One hundred and fifty years ago, our country fought a bloody Civil War. That war affirmed we have only one class of citizens—American.
In sum, we should ask ourselves, “What makes Republicans different from Democrats?” As Nevadans, our answer must be a belief in private enterprise and individual initiative, not government subsidies and intrusive regulations; the knowledge that smaller government and local control not constant interference from Washington is the foundation of our republic; and a responsible budget that leaves future generations to create the society they desire.
The Nuts and Bolts of Winning Elections
Agreement on these principles is important but not sufficient if we want to win elections. We need to dedicate the people and resources to accomplish the following tasks:
- Nominating good candidates. As in any undertaking, putting good people in decision-making positions are the key to success.
- Voter analysis. We need to understand our constituency, the people of Nevada: who voted for whom and why?
- Voter registration. You can’t vote unless you’re registered. It’s that simple.
- GOTV. Getting our voters to the polls is the final and crucial step. We must ensure that those who share our values and goals make their opinions count on Election Day.